Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Toon Character Design

Welcome my name is Jazmin Franquez and I am the creator and designer of the monster named Brimstone. Coming up with the final product for my monster was a bit tricky, only because I had to keep messing around with it to find what looked good and figure out how to create what I envisioned in my mind. I first came up with the face and head. I liked the idea of having a spiky and wacky looking monster. He is wacky, crazy, and silly. he is able to make friends everywhere he goes and always makes people laugh.

The t-shirt design was a bit more in terms of the designing process. I had a lot of trouble with thinking about what to do for it. In the end, I decided simpler is better. I just felt that if i made it too complicated it wouldn't look as good. So I went with an easy design of Brimstone's face and a warped design of his name.

Making the badge/stickers was actually much easier than I imagined, I managed to come up with the designs fairly quickly. For the background I wanted something that went well with my character, when I thought of Brimstone I pictured a haunted mansion. My friends actually helped me with the idea of how it would look and the design.

Developing my character was a challenge because it was a hard for me to put the image in my mind onto paper and then onto the computer. Eventually i finally perfected my idea and thus the toon character "Brimstone" was created. My color palette was a simple black and burgundy style. I struggled with finding the perfect burgundy color/shade but eventually managed to reach a color that I liked. Then adding the gradients made a HUGE difference in the look, it made it better. For the body, i messed around with some different colors for a bit and then came to the conclusion of having the body be black & grey. Finally, after putting everything together, Brimstone was finished.

My inspiration for Brimstone was actually my older sister, she helped a lot by giving me some different ideas. My also helped as well, telling me what looked good and what didn't. Basically a bunch of different opinions combined created Brimstone.

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