Friday, December 4, 2015

Dia de los Muertos

Day of the Dead

       Dia de los Muertos is a holiday celebrated in Mexico honoring loved ones that have passed away. November 1st is known as All Saints Day and celebrates the angelitos (spirits of dead children). During this day children are welcomed into the home and left gifts. November 2nd is known as All Souls Day, it is the day that all adults are welcomed back to land of the living and into their homes. Altars are made with flowers and all of the loved ones favorite items and foods so that the souls are drawn to it.
Cemetery During Dia De Los Muertos
       People participating in the festival wear shells or noisemakers because the dead are part of the community but invisible to the living, therefore noisemakers wake the dead from their slumber and keep them close during all the festivities. People also paint their faces to symbolize that they except death as a part of life and that they believe it is a beautiful thing.
       I have celebrated Dia de los Muertos with my family as a part of our Latin Culture. it is very meaningful to us because we feel it is important to celebrate our passed loved ones and invite them back to the land of the living during Dia de los Muertos. We attend festivals and make our loved ones favorite foods during this time.

Sugar Skull Design
       My ideas for this design was the purpose of Dia de los Muertos, to honor the dead. The dead are basically treated like royalty and are honored, hence the reason for the crown. I also used the very traditional idea and look of a sugar skull which are often used to decorate the gravestones of the deceased.

       I created this piece in respect to Dia de los Muertos. It means a lot to me because its a representation of my Latin Culture. My inspiration was from years of going to festivals and seeing all of the beautiful creations they hold there. My work is a reflection of not only my style but also my beliefs and ideas of Dia de los Muertos. My goals for the future are to continue celebrating my beliefs and hopefully make more art for the festivities.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Save Water PSA/Poster

Save the Earth!

The issue today is that we are in a drought and the earth is losing its water and nutrients. Water is the driving force of all nature, and now we are in danger of running dry. One of the biggest contributors to the problem are leaks. Something as simple as a house leak is what is causing this problem. Instead of wasting the water and letting it go to waste, we can put it to good use and help to give life back to the earth by putting that water towards plants and life. We can 1) fix the leaks or 2) put a small container in the sink to catch the leaking water and either use it for ourselves or use it for plants. There are many ways that we can help to save the Earth, we just need to finally take action and help to make a difference. Because without the Earth, there is no us, there will be nothing for us to survive on. If the Earth dies, we die. It's time for us to start taking better care of it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Career In Video Game Design

Video Game Designing

  • Job posting is current in California.
  • Video Game Designer
  • Qualifications are: functional skills, education, and creativity
  • Job Duties are: planning, designing, and creating video games
  • Average salary is about $59,000

Thursday, September 24, 2015

My rap for a collab with Marky-Mark playing the cello

Exxon surfs on fish ash hijacked skivvy airheads ho JFK defusing UFO hag fade heavyhearted opera;kickoff adrift Utopia Iggy Rodrigo cognitive scourge iffy ICU Yeager urged tiger Eugine remortgaged outer precook drug overheat behavior edge gadgetry herb geographic evade clacked gig  skydiver Gallegos; if; hajj negative confide; Lukas flakes uh ref staking classifier kettleful; Josie

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Toon Character Design

Welcome my name is Jazmin Franquez and I am the creator and designer of the monster named Brimstone. Coming up with the final product for my monster was a bit tricky, only because I had to keep messing around with it to find what looked good and figure out how to create what I envisioned in my mind. I first came up with the face and head. I liked the idea of having a spiky and wacky looking monster. He is wacky, crazy, and silly. he is able to make friends everywhere he goes and always makes people laugh.

The t-shirt design was a bit more in terms of the designing process. I had a lot of trouble with thinking about what to do for it. In the end, I decided simpler is better. I just felt that if i made it too complicated it wouldn't look as good. So I went with an easy design of Brimstone's face and a warped design of his name.

Making the badge/stickers was actually much easier than I imagined, I managed to come up with the designs fairly quickly. For the background I wanted something that went well with my character, when I thought of Brimstone I pictured a haunted mansion. My friends actually helped me with the idea of how it would look and the design.

Developing my character was a challenge because it was a hard for me to put the image in my mind onto paper and then onto the computer. Eventually i finally perfected my idea and thus the toon character "Brimstone" was created. My color palette was a simple black and burgundy style. I struggled with finding the perfect burgundy color/shade but eventually managed to reach a color that I liked. Then adding the gradients made a HUGE difference in the look, it made it better. For the body, i messed around with some different colors for a bit and then came to the conclusion of having the body be black & grey. Finally, after putting everything together, Brimstone was finished.

My inspiration for Brimstone was actually my older sister, she helped a lot by giving me some different ideas. My also helped as well, telling me what looked good and what didn't. Basically a bunch of different opinions combined created Brimstone.